Youth Programs Rules and Regulations

Code Of Conduct

My child agrees to abide by all WWU Youth Program rules and regulations while attending WWU Youth Programs and will comply with all program staff instructions. Violation of the rules and regulations is grounds for immediate dismissal, without refund.

I have read and understand this Acknowledgment of Risk and Hold Harmless, Consent to Arrange Emergency Treatment and Medical, Dental, Health and Insurance Responsibilities, Permission to Use Photograph and Code of Conduct.

3-Strike Plan

Our goal is to create a space where students can learn, grow, be creative, and most importantly, have fun. Listed below are the 3 steps we take in disciplining students. These strikes are put in place for the safety of your student in order to uphold a classroom space that will be safe for all students.

STRIKE 1: A verbal warning
STRIKE 2: One minute in the hallway with an instructor to discuss how we can help with the behavior to better it. Student will also be reminded of what will happen if strike 3 is reached. 
STRIKE 3: A call home OR in extreme cases, dismissal of student from session-parent will be asked to come pick up the child.


To ensure that students have a well-structured and safe learning experience and to guarantee the rights and well being of others and the University, the following rules and regulations will be observed:

  • Behavior standards are the same as at the schools students attend.
  • Disruptive, destructive and dangerous behavior will not be tolerated. This includes bullying and harassment.
  • Be respectful to others, other's belongings, and to University property at all times.
  • Damage to University property will be repaired with costs charged to the student's parents/guardians
  • No running, shoving, or hitting at any time.

I have reviewed the Rules and Regulations with my child(ren) who agree/s to abide by them while attending youth programs. My child(ren) understand/s that violation of the above is grounds for immediate dismissal, without refund.

As parent/guardian, I understand it is my responsibility to pick-up my child at the designated time at the conclusion of the program attended, including daily for week-long summer programs.