Outreach and Continuing Education
WWU's SEA Discovery Center, located in Poulsbo was recently awarded a $20,000 grant from the Governor's Committee on Disability Issues and Employment for new ADA compliant front doors.
SEA was invited to apply for this funding through The Kitsap County Accessible Communities Advisory Committee. Kitsap County ACAC is committed to creating and supporting an inclusive community where all people have equal access.
The grant opportunity came about after Kitsap County's ACAC… Read more about Grant Awarded for Accessible Doors at SEA Discovery Center
Poulsbo, WA — Students from Western’s Computer Science and Cybersecurity programs, located in both Bellingham and at WWU on the Peninsulas, are participating in Senior Projects that support WWU’s public aquarium, SEA Discovery Center, in Poulsbo, WA. The projects will build on senior projects from previous years and are focused on enhancing the ability of SEA Discovery Center staff to monitor the conditions of the aquarium exhibits at SEA, which hold 6,000 gallons of saltwater and… Read more about WWU’s SEA Discovery Center Expands Computer Science Department Student Project Programs
Featured News
Need-based Scholarships for Certificate Programs

Two decades into the 21st Century, new patterns of work require people to continually evaluate their education in order to determine how best to progress in their careers, or pursue more rewarding opportunities.
Read More Learn about Need-based Scholarships for Certificate Programs
Expanded Education Helps Mitigate Pandemic's Insecurity

The Kitsap and Olympic Peninsulas are some of the most underserved areas in the state in terms of access to a four-year college degree, and this deficit takes on even more urgency as the COVID-19 pandemic has starkly exposed how important educational attainment is to job security.
Read MoreExpanded Education Helps Mitigate Pandemic's Insecurity
A Sustainable Future with WWU Energy Certificates

The Institute for Energy Studies at Western Washington University is a multi-college collaboration that offers interdisciplinary undergraduate degrees and certificates to address the science, technology, policy, business, and economic aspects of energy systems.
Visit the Institute for Energy Studies

"Western's program was structured in such a way that I was able to continue with working on my career. It really allowed me to practice what I was learning in school at my job and it was just this very whole-person approach. I really appreciated the flexibility and really, one of the most favorite things was just being able to have my cohort and to have people of like minds that were in my program but I was able to learn from, and the faculty were amazing, and I just really felt supported. The number one thing was they wanted all of us to succeed."
Kailey Fiedler-GohlkeGraduate Student, 2019

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Western Washington University is conveniently located throughout the Puget Sound and the Central Salish Sea regions and online. Whether personal enrichment or career related, Western can help you reach your educational goals.
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